Accrual Accounting course - To develop an understanding of the basic concepts and principles of Accounting and apply the same in preparing financial statements and simple problem solving.


1. Learning Outcome
2. Chapter Overview
3. Content of each chapter
4. Illustrations involving conceptual understanding
5. Summary
6. Test your knowledge


1. Theoretical Framework
    - Meaning and Scope of Accounting
    - Accounting concepts, Principles and Conventions
    - Accounting terminology - Glossary
    - Capital and Revenue Expenditure And Receipts 
    - Contingent Assets and Contingent Liabilities
    - Accounting Policies
    - Accounting as a Measurement Discipline
        - Valuation Principles
        - Accounting Estimates
    - Accounting Standards- Concepts and Objectives
    - Indian Accounting Standards- Concepts and Objectives
2. Accounting Process
    - Books of Accounts
        - Basic Accounting Procedures- Journal Entries
    - Preparation of Trial Balance
    - Subsidiary Books
    - Cash Book
    - Rectification of Errors
3. Bank Reconciliation Statement
    - Introduction
    - Importance of Bank Reconciliation Statement
    - Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement
    - Methods of Bank reconciliation
4. Inventories
    - Cost of Inventory
    - Net Realizable Value
    - Basis and Technique of Inventory Valuation
    - Record keeping
    - Inventory Taking
5. Concept and Accounting of Depreciation
    - Concepts
    - Methods of Computation of Depreciation
    - Accounting Treatment of Depreciation
    - Change in Depreciation Methods
6. Preparation of Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors
    - Elements of Financial Statements
    - Closing Adjustment Entries
    - Trading Account
    - Profit and Loss Account
    - Balance Sheet
    - Limitations of Financial Statements


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