Digital Signature
Digital Signature A digital signature is basically a way to ensure that an electronic document (e-mail, spreadsheet, text file, etc.) is authentic. Authentic means that you know who created the document and you know that it has not been altered in any way since that person created it. How does digital signature works? Ans. Rohan wants to digitally sign emails and electronic contracts. So he would use computer software (asymmetric crypto system) to generate two keys, a public key and a private key. Rohan will give his public key to the whole world but will keep his private key to himself. Once he has done that, he can use his private key to sign contracts etc.. Anyone can use Rohan’s public key to verify his signature. That’s where the problem begins. How can anyone be sure which is Rohan’s public key? What if Rohan denies that a particular public key is actually his? To solve this problem digital signature certificates are used. ...